What We Believe / 我们信什么

We hold the faith which is common to all the believers (Titus 1:4, Jude 3):
▪ The Bible is the complete divine revelation inspired word by word by God through the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21, 2 Tim. 3:16)
▪ God is uniquely one, yet triune-the Father, the Son, and the Spirit (1 Tim. 2:5a, Matt. 28:19)
▪ The Son of God, even God Himself, was incarnated to be a man by the name of Jesus Christ (John 1:1, John 1:14)
▪ Christ died on the cross for our sins, shedding His blood for our redemption (1 Pet. 2:24, Eph. 1:7a)
▪ Christ resurrected from among the dead on the third day (1 Cor. 15:4)
▪ Christ ascended to the right hand of God to be Lord of all (Acts 1:9, Acts 2:33, Acts 2:36)
▪ Whenever any person repents to God and believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, he is regenerated (born again) and becomes a living member of the one Body of Christ (Acts 20:21, John 3:3, Eph. 1:22-23, Rom. 12:5)
▪ Christ is coming again to receive His believers to Himself (1 Thes. 2:19)

▪ 我們相信全本圣經是神完整的啟示﹐字字都是圣靈所默示的。
▪ 我們相信神是獨一的三一神﹐父﹑子﹑靈同等﹐共存﹐從恆古到永遠。
▪ 我們相信神的儿子﹐就是神自己﹐成為肉體﹐成為人﹐名叫耶穌﹐由童女馬利亞所生﹐來作我們的救贖主和救主。
▪ 我們相信耶穌是真正的人﹐曾在地上生活三十三年半﹐使人認識父神。
▪ 我們相信耶穌是神用圣靈所膏的基督﹐為我們的罪死在十字架上﹐流血為我們成功了救贖。
▪ 我們相信耶穌基督埋葬三日以后﹐就從死里复活(肉身上和靈性上)﹔并在复活里成為賜生命的靈﹐將祂自己分賜到我們里面﹐作我們的生命和一切。
▪ 我們相信基督复活后升到天上﹐被神立為万有的主。
▪ 我們相信基督升天以后﹐將神的靈澆灌下來﹐把祂所揀選的肢體浸入一個身體里﹔神的靈﹐也就是基督的靈﹐今天在地上運行﹐叫罪人知罪﹐重生神所揀選的人﹐住在基督的眾肢體里﹐使他們在生命里長大﹐并建造基督的身體﹐讓祂得著完滿的彰顯。
▪ 我們相信在這世代的末了﹐基督要回來提接祂的眾肢體﹐審判世界﹐得著全地﹐并建立祂永遠的國度。
▪ 我們相信得胜的圣徒要在千年國度里与基督一同作王掌權﹔并且所有在基督里的信徒﹐都將有分于新天新地新耶路撒冷里神圣的福分﹐直到永遠。